Toured into divide basin on Friday. Looking at the north face of hyalite peak we saw a slide that went to the ground, and was about 150 feet wide. It possible this slide propagated further, but severe wind loading was actively occurring and it was hard to tell if the crown had been filled back in. We dug a pit at 9300 feet on a SÉ aspect and found a 80-100 cm HS and right side up snow pack with minor faceting below a crust 30 cm from the bottom.
Hyalite Peak
Avalanche Details: Large Natural Avalanche on Hyalite Peak
Forecast link: GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Wed Nov 23, 2022
Northern Gallatin, 2022-11-20
Forecast link: GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Wed Nov 23, 2022